Celebrate National Day and Join in NDP Social Media Campaign for BE Professionals
We’ve spent 59 years building and shaping our beloved Singapore.
Singaporeʼs birthday is coming soon, and we cannot be prouder of how majestic
our lion city has become. Letʼs celebrate our nation’s birthday by showing
our friends, family and fellow Singaporeans how weʼve contributed to nation
building and what keeps us inspired to continue building Singapore.
The campaign period starts from 1st August to 9th August, in conjunction with National Day. We invite all PEs to post on their Instagram, Facebook and/or LinkedIn and celebrate as a BE community.
Via our ‘9-5-9ʼ social media celebration, we get to showcase what we do during work hours from 9-5, and after work hours from 5-9.
1. Start the post with
Happy 59th Birthday, Singapore! Proud to play a part in nation building.
2. Next, share on your professional side (i.e. job title/job role/proud projects) and then their personal self (hobbies/fun fact)
3. End with #BuildSG59; #NDP59
National Day Social Media Campaign Guide
Post it before 5th August to be captured in our summary post on 9th August!